Monday, February 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What inspires me?

I have to say that in the past 2 years I have learned SO MUCH! I attribute this mostly to curiosity and my overwhelming desire to "figure IT out." Defining "IT" for me can be finding an easy trick in Powerpoint, a cool way to change my wiki, or one of the many things that I learn about and just explore to see what its all about. As a student in class, I never really showed excitement because my teachers really didn't do anything to excite me. I thought about this and made a promise to myself that as a teacher I would be fun, engaging, humorous, and most of all educational. Even without technology in my classroom, I was always doing science experiments, fun activities, or "field trips" around the building.

One of my guiding questions that I think about all the time is something that my college baseball coach asked us all the time. This question can be changed to so many things in life. He always asked us "How do you want to be remembered as a baseball player?" I thought about this over and over and thought that you can always ask yourself this question in many other contexts. How did I want to be remembered as a teacher? This list could go on, exciting, inspirational, humorous...etc.

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For those reading this is your daily take away!

How do you want to be remembered as a _____________________? ( You fill in the blank) Mother, father, son, daughter, parent, teacher, principal, teammate, friend.... Hopefully it will get you thinking like it has for me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Let me tell you a little about myself.

My name is Joe Oliphant and I am currently employed by Propel Schools. I am the Technology Integration Director. I am new to the blogging world since most of my time is devoted to spending time with my 4 young children.

Check out this document that I use when I work in various classrooms:
Observation Template- Teaching Schools